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Emergency Medical Aid for Areas affected by the occupation

Emergency Medical Aid for Areas affected by the occupation

Campaign Goal:

Provide immediate medical care for patients and those in need, contributing to improving the overall health situation in areas affected by the occupation in Gaza, Westbank and Jerusalem, The campaign aims to collect emergency donations to supply essential medicines and medical supplies in these regions.

Target Categories:

  • The direct victims suffering from the occupation in Gaza, Westbank and Jerusalem.

  • Estimated Cost:

    The campaign aims to provide basic medical packages with an average estimated cost of $50 per individual. This package includes vital medicines and necessary medical supplies to address common injuries.

    Dear donors, with your generous support, we can provide immediate medical needs and essential medicines for those affected in Palestinian areas suffering from settlements. Your generous donation represents an opportunity to make a positive impact and improve the lives of many.

    Thank you for your generous support; together, we can bring positive change to the lives of those who need our assistance.
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