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Thyme Farm: Employment Boost for Jordan Valley Youth

Thyme Farm: Employment Boost for Jordan Valley Youth

As a Palestinian national plant, and to empower the resilience of the citizens of the Jordan Valley, Revive Palestine has launched a campaign to raise funding to establish a thyme farm in the Jordan Valley and area targeted by settlements that compete with the local farmers in producing this plant.

The product will have modern packaging under the “Green Kanaan Heaven” brand as green thyme leaves or dried as table Zaatar seasoned with sesame and sumac. The life cycle of the thyme plant lasts for ten years, and the farm will be able to harvest the product several times.

Revive Palestine has run the campaign for 55 days, during which we have been able to raise the donations of 12 thousand dollars required to establish this farm according to professional standards, and we expect the farm to start production in late 2023.